
Sonic's #1 Comfort Food

A few days ago, I had finished my U.S. Lit final and drove over to Wal-Mart, as I knew that Mom was doing some grocery shopping.  By the time I got there, she was already at the check-out line.  However, I still needed to get some things, and so Mom put her groceries in the car and then rejoined me as I browsed the aisles for food.  When we got to the cereal aisle, I eagerly grabbed a box of Peanut Butter Crunch.  

"You still eat that?" Mom asked.  "I remember you guys always getting it as kids."

It got me thinking: Why do I still eat Peanut Butter Crunch?  Aren't I at the age when I should be eating sensible cereal like Kashi GOLEAN Crunch, like Sandwich does?  Why do I still get excited when I buy a box featuring the Cap'n?  Shouldn't I let those childhood figures remain in the past?

I could try answering those questions, but really, there's no need to justify why I still eat Peanut Butter Crunch.  It was my favorite cereal as a kid, and is still my favorite cereal today.  I will likely go on eating bowls of its crunchy goodness until I'm 73, provided they are still making it.  Back in March, there were reports that Cap'n Crunch would be discontinued due to its high sugar content.  Thankfully, they have been proven wrong, and Cap'n Crunch will still be around.  But nothing lasts forever, and I'm sure once Cap'n Crunch goes - whenever that may be - Peanut Butter Crunch may not be too far behind it.

In the meantime, I'm still enjoying my Peanut Butter Crunch.


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