
First of Many

Well, hello there.
It's the first post of our first blog and it couldn't be sweeter. I envisioned it to be a joint, three person medley about each of our favorite snacks we enjoy feasting on at the Walt Disney World resort. After all, we're a Disney loving family, what better way to kick off the writing than with a trio of Disney treats? Alas it was not to be. Since two out of three sibs both love the Dole Whip, I figured it better to let Sonic give us a taste of something other than what we based the title of our blog on. And you know what? Now I want a bite of a Mickey ear. And yes, we gave each other nicknames for this blog. That's how we roll. 
- Dole Whip Shortcake

The Ears Have It

The Mickey Premium bar has been a childhood favorite for me, probably because of both the simplicity and the familiarity of it. What's more exciting than an ear-shaped frozen delight? An ear-shaped frozen delight that smiles at you! In elementary school, I loved bringing 50 cents with me in order to buy the Mickey bar, and was sorely upset when the middle schools didn't carry them. The only other place to get them was in Walt Disney World. 

You can imagine my excitement in 2005 when I learned I'd be SELLING these babies on a daily basis. It meant I was spreading the wonder of creamy vanilla ice cream in a rich chocolate coating, and that other people would be partaking in the joy of that *crack* as they bit into one ear. It got even more exciting as guests would give me their cameras and say, "Take my picture, take my picture!" It turned a simple dessert into a rite of passage, a guest did not truly visit the parks unless they ate a Mickey Premium. Or, if they were lactose-intolerant, an Itzakadoozie, which I once heard a guest call the Yakazumayakayaka. But that's another story for another time.
- Dole Whip Sonic

Edit: Since publishing this first post, tragedy occurred across the Pacific Ocean. The NJ Trio's hearts go out to all those affected by the quakes and tsunamis in Japan. Many prayers are being sent their way. Please help in any way you can by donating to the Red Cross or Global Giving.

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