
Peepshi aka Peeps Sushi

Whether you like the chick or the bunny, yellow or blue, pink or purple, and now chocolate-mousse or chocolate-covered, Peeps are pretty adorable. Seriously. How can a tiny, squishy, animal-resembling marshmallow, covered in neon colored sugar crystals, not have a cuteness factor?

Since I was a kid, I’ve preferred my Peeps to be semi-stale. I used to purposely cut a slit in the plastic packaging and let the marshmallow chickies sit out for a day or two before eating them. Or, if I was impatient, I would leave a couple out on the counter for a few hours and hope my dad wouldn’t “accidentally” eat them (he loves Peeps as much as I do). For some reason I've always favored the slightly stale texture to the fresh, gooey one. Weird, I know.
My favorite peeps. Although, the new chocolate mousse one is pretty delicious.
And yet I stumbled on a way to make the marshmallow consumption weirder. The idea to sushi up the peeps appeared on my radar last year, after my social media feeds went ablaze with photo postings of sushi-fied marshmallow chicks. Seriously, who thinks up these things? Not intending to create such a cavity-inducing concoction, I bookmarked the “Peepshi” page merely to share the hilarity of the photographs.

This year, though, I decided to give it a whirl, figuring they could make for a funny party centerpiece. I decapitated a few chicklet heads and split some bunny ears, the marshmallow variety of course; rolled up Rice Krispies Treats; and bound it all with Fruit by the Foot. I felt like I was five years old again, cutting, squishing, and mashing food together. Except instead of a pasta picture frame, I had a mini assembly of crafty Peepshi. Despite my growing curiosity, I have yet to try one; but they are fun to look at.

- Shortcake

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