
Whips Trips: Coming Soon to a Placemat Near You

The term "NJ Trio" is a bit of a misnomer these days, what with the three of us spread out among three different states for the time being.  However, it also gives us a rare opportunity to be able to compare and contrast the qualities of food from similar restaurants.  Granted, a McNugget will likely taste the same no matter where you are, but occasionally there are foods and beverages that provide a wholly different experience on your palate when in different parts of the globe.

A well-known example is pizza.  The recipe seems simple enough: dough, sauce, cheese.  But the execution of that recipe is often unique when you consider where you are.  New York's thin crust, Chicago's deep dish, California's...whatever.  That's the joy of food, and with Whips Trips, the NJ Trio will examine how similar foods are unique in our three states.  Tune in soon as we check out our states' Five Guys Famous Burgers and Fries. Until then, happy eating!

- Shortcake, Sonic, and Sandwich

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